Open Fasting with Watermelon Fruit, It Benefits For Body

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Open Fasting with Watermelon Fruit, It Benefits For Body

Jakarta, Breaking the fast by eating watermelon would be very refreshing. Having a sweetness that fits, watermelon fruits fit into a meal because it contains many water berbuka.Penelope Perkins-Veazie, professor at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, said in addition to a lot of water and sweet, watermelon also contains many vitamins and minerals. The content of vitamins A, C and B as well as potassium makes watermelon fruits suitable as a meal berbuka.Buah watermelon also contains lycopene, antioxidants that have benefits for blood vessel health, including reducing the risk of stroke and lowering blood pressure, said Penelope, quoted by the NY Times. Read also: These Fruits Can Be A Solution Fit Open Healthy Fast HealthLycopene is a substance that causes watermelon fruit has a red color. This substance can also be found in other red fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes or pomegranates. But according to Penelope, the most lycopene content found in watermelon. Jennifer McDaniel, nutrition expert of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, said watermelon is less popular because it is considered not to have a lot of fiber. Although it is true, watermelon has other benefits to cover the shortage. Read also: Almost a month Fasting, What Is Weight Loss? Watermelon contains no fat at all, lots of water content and very low calorie. In addition, the sugar content is lower than other fruits in general, said Jennifer. Because it does not contain fat and low calorie, watermelon is perfect for consumption by you who are doing a diet program. One serving of whole watermelon dish contains 50.4 kcal with very low energy density, which is 0.27. The combination of water and sugar based on the results of the research composition is good. Gives longer satiety, but low energy density. This combination makes him last longer in the stomach and gives a sense of satiety. So good for people who want to lose weight so as not to be hooked for overeating, bright lecturer majoring in Nutrition at Health Polytechnic Jakarta II, Rita Ramayulis, DCN, MKes.Read also: Week 3 Fast, It’s Tips For Body Stay Fit (mrs / fds)

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